Monday, September 28, 2015

St. Michael the Archangel

Hello there!

It has been a very busy time for all of us: Venus retrograde, then Mercury, the Blood Moon, the Total Lunar Eclipse... Yikes! The good thing about it is that Mercury is turning direct on October 7. (YAY!)

Tomorrow, September 29 is St. Michael the Archangel feast day. One of the best known archangels, if not, considered the MVP of the 7 most famous ones.

St. Michael the Archangel.
Picture taken from
According to  Catholic Culture, "the name of this Archangel means "who is like unto God?" In the Old Covenant he is made known to us as the "great prince," the protector of the children of Israel (Dan. 12, 1). Through the New Testament the Church continues this patronage of Michael (Apoc. 12, 7) and has always venerated him as the guardian angel of the kingdom of Christ on earth, as the heavenly leader in the fight against all enemies of God. For this reason he was the special patron of Christian soldiers fighting against pagan armies. In the fierce battles of the imperial troops against the heathen Magyars in Bavaria (933 and 955) Saint Michael’s help was invoked by all fighters with prayer and song and battle cry, and the victory was gratefully attributed to him."

In addition, although he is always called "the Archangel," the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all the angels - as Prince of the Seraphim. as well as being a fierce defender, St. Michael is the patron of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness.

You may honor him by burning red candles on his behalf and using Angelica Root (Archangel root) and ask for his aid in the protection of women.
In my personal experience, I have seen my mother, who had been diagnosed with Manic Depression (Bipolar disorder), make a complete 180 degrees turnaround on her disorder. Her depression has winded down and she has a lot more determination.

I was born the day after his feast and I make sure my son always wears his medallion around his neck. I have him in my home and my reading booth.

May St. Michael always protect you and yours in your battles!

Read more about St. Michael at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company.

Thank you for reading and buenas tardes,


Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hello there!
Pretend for a minute you have a big house, a nice car, a good source of income, the latest trends, a fitness instructor, good medical insurance... But you are not happy. Shouldn't you be?

What is happiness?
I find that the more I live on this earth, the more I find out happiness is extremely elusive. When I was little, I heard someone say happiness comes in drops and the Creator gives you a dropper to last you your whole life.

At that moment, I did not understand what I was being told. "Dropper?" I thought... What in the h...?
Now that I am older and have seen and experienced a little in this world, I am beginning to understand it.

My goal in my 20s was to make sure I could provide for my son the way I was not provided for. This meant having 2 jobs, going to school and not seeing him a whole lot. Now that I have resigned my Full-Time position, I feel free. Granted, I still need the full-time income but I can mix and match different skills and different projects to make sure I can continue providing the basic necessities.

I have realized the Disney trip we take every year is not worth me working all year long and not spending time with my child. I have realized that they don't really care about the material things if they cannot spend time with you. I vowed to never be the parent that was never around and I feel as if I have failed, until now.

My happiness is:
  • My son's smile. Is the "aha!" moment when I help him with his homework and he understands it
  • When he asks me to come work at his school because I explain things better than his teacher
  • When he brings his classmates over for me to go over the homework with them
  • When he brags to his friends about my cooking
  • When he knows I will be there for his Karate competitions
  • When I meet with his music teacher
  • When I go for a walk with him
  • When I was trying to teach him how to ride a bicycle
I was missing out on all those things with my son, if not even more. I thought I was working towards happiness but I was actually working against it.

My son is about to be 10 years old: I still have some time. Think for a minute: what is happiness to you? Is happiness taking you away from your family and children?
I'd much rather spend evenings cuddling up to my son watching a movie of his choice than to be working until 1:00 am on school nights just to make sure that Disney trip happens next year.
Think, reflect, analyze, reinvent your schedule. And may you always be happy!

Thank you for reading and buenas tardes,


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Signals from Above

Hello there!

So recently I got a teaching job and learned really quick that teaching High School is not for me. At least not teaching High School Spanish. I know the material very well and I was learning how to effectively deliver it but I did not have the administration support to be successful.

As heart broken as I am for this, I have to remember that things happen for a reason. While I resigned my teaching job, I am feeling the pull of dedicating myself more to my craft and readings.
I almost feel if I would have stayed at the High School, my readings and my craft would have suffered greatly.

Please follow me on twitter, instagram, pinterest and facebook for updates.

Thank you for reading and buenas noches,


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NISSAN Sentra Nightmare

Hello guys!

So I own a NISSAN Sentra 2012 and the transmission went out on it on a freeway. I started rolling backwards into oncoming traffic but thankfully I was not involved in any accident.
I called the dealership who sold me the vehicle in 2013, Lumberton Honda and they told me I was no longer covered under the extended warranty I had purchased. I then called NISSAN Corporate and they stated I was out of warranty since I was at 68,000 mi. and the warranty was up to 60,000 mi.

NISSAN Corporate ALSO said that because my vehicle was previously owned by 3 or 4 car rental companies, NISSAN knows the customers tend to abuse those vehicles so they will not be responsible for my repairs since I am out of warranty.
When I brought up the complains I found online regarding their CVT Transmissions, I was told she would not discuss any of those cases with me since she does not know the conditions or the usage level of those vehicles. She would only discuss MY case.
Wait a minute: so you purchase a vehicle to never drive it? That's the first...

Kalia and Chrystal at NISSAN Corporate in Memphis, TN also told me there was no history of any work being done on the transmission... Let's see: so you FIX the problem before it happens? I had my vehicle's oil changed and fluids checked at Lumberton Honda, Walmart, Black's Tire and TLC. No one found anything wrong with the transmission. It just stopped working out of the blue while I was on the All-American Freeway.

Going online to the NHTSA website, you can read all the complains the transmissions have received and there is no recall on this as of yet. All transmission issues are at around the 60,000 mi. mark (which is when NISSAN cuts off their warranty, conveniently).

I filed a complain with NHTSA, the Federal Trade Commission AND NC Attorney General.
Please go online and file your complain as well if you or someone you know has encountered an issue similar to this. This is obviously a safety threat and NISSAN CVT transmissions should be recalled. The only thing NISSAN does is replace them: they're throw-away parts.

I have also set up a GoFundMe account for this, in case NISSAN decides not to do anything about it:

You can read about the complains here:

Please share this post as many times as you can, as my testimony may help someone attempting to purchase a NISSAN Sentra 2012, or a NISSAN in general.

Thank you for reading and buenas noches,


#Nissan #Sentra #Transmission #Complain #Rant #PoorCustomerService

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I Made it to the Finish Line!!!

Hello everyone,

For those of you who have been following my student struggle, I am proud to say I DID IT!!! I finished school... Not only that but I also landed a job before I even got my diploma on my hands.

All that hard work has really paid off and I will be teaching this August.

To everyone who has a dream I tell you: pursue it. It is worth it... You do not have anything to prove to anyone but rather yourself.

Walking on that stage and getting my little diploma holder was something I did not believe I could achieve and the moment was finally there...

Now, if I could inspire all of my students to pursue a higher education, I will really feel accomplished.

Thank you for reading and buenas noches.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Moon Sign?

Hello everyone!

We have a Sun and a Moon sign. What in the world? You may ask...

Well, if it is true we are all born under a Sun sign, this alignment of the cosmos only describes one layer of the endless ones we have. Astrologers take under consideration the place and the time of your birth. The more details you know, the better they will be able to help you create a birth chart.

Now, I had always heard about this Moon sign and I had absolutely no clue what mine was or how to find it... Google helped me with this and gave me the Moon Astrology site and I was able to find out I am a Libra with my Moon in Leo. HA! That explains a lot...

What sign of the Zodiac is your Moon under? Let's talk about it!

Thank you for reading,


Blood Moon?

Hello everyone!

If you were anywhere on planet Eart on April 4th, 2015, you may have noticed the Moon looking reddish.
This is a phenomenon online communities have been calling Blood Moon since about 2010 and it has to do with a Lunar Eclipse. 

 A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow). This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, a lunar eclipse can only take place the night of a full moon.

Now, something I found interesting was
Tetrads of four sequential lunar eclipses with no intervening partial lunar eclipses occurs 6 other times in this century... But this is the only time it occurs on the Jewish holy days of Passover and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)... The last time that four blood red moons occurred together was between 1967-1968... The time that the tetrad occurred before this was between 1949-1950...
Since 1 AD, this tetrad has occurred on these holy days only 7 times!!!... In 2014-2015, it will be the 8th time. It won't occur again for another 500 years...

Now, the next Blood Moon will be Sept. 28th, 2015. Please join my Facebook Event and let's talk about it as it is happening.

Thank you for reading,
